Clerkenwell Design Week

Clerkenwell Design Week celebrates with a ‘programme of specially curated events. From workshops to product launches and parties, there was plenty to explore in London’s creative heart’ -

Located in the Tarkett showroom (EC1V) the 2022 event hosted a series of thought-provoking workshops and talks around the theme of REIMAGINE. Discussions included a panel with Note Design Studio and The Office Group offering insight into the design process for Douglas House and Summit House, and an inspiring ‘Made to be Remade’ talk with research agency Franklin Till – with whom Tarkett collaborated to create the front cover of their annual publication.

With the theme REIMAGINE; I was tasked with styling the showroom to be adaptive to host the talks and parties. I personally hosted the creative workshops that allow architects and designers to break away from the computer screen to make a tangible item.  From the shop-front infographics to social media communications, it was my role to either design or approve the overall look & feel of CDW. I also connected with local artisans/craftspeople  to host a craft exhibition creating the extraordinary from everyday items.